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Hajjinfo and Hajj Umrah Info on Hajj Umrah Forum 2024!

Hajj Umrah Info • 8 janvier 2024

Between 08 – 11 January 2024, Hadjinfo and Hajj-Umrah Info will be guests at the 3rd edition of Hajj Umrah Forum in Superdome, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia!

This unique event is intended for Hajj and Umrah B2B stakeholders and interested parties who want to orient themselves and be informed about this segment. All aspects involved will be discussed in plenary and parallel sessions.

For four days, an Information Booth will be set up. In addition to Hadjinfo and Hajj Umrah Info, Saudi government agencies from Ministry of Hajj, Nusuk and various international organizations, airlines and travel companies, will be appointed.

In short: a good orientation to Hajj and Umrah segment starts with a visit to this manifestation!

For more information consult this website:
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